Jasper Ideas

If a new user has been created and a password has been assigned, the administrator should have an option to send the user an email with the login information directly from Jasper without having to copy the whole thing to Outlook. The same would be helpful for a password change by the administrator, e.g. if a user has forgotten their password and requests a new one.

If a new user has been created in JasperServer and a password has been assigned, the administrator should have an option to send the user an email with the login information directly from Jasper without having to copy the whole thing to Outlook. The same would be helpful for a password change by the administrator, e.g. if a user has forgotten their password and requests a new one.

  • Guest
  • Apr 18 2024
  • To be Reviewed
Components JasperReports Server, User/Role
  • Attach files