Jasper Ideas

Add configuration to dynamically adjust report height

Create an optional property or configuration which will evaluate the data being presented at run time in the ad hoc report and adjust the screen size to dynamically fit the data instead of using a fixed height.

For more context, an ad hoc report can return several rows or very few rows. When several rows are returned, the entire page of the report is filled and everything looks normal. However, when very few rows are returned, there is a large amount of blank space at the bottom of the page. If you place this report on a Jasper dashboard, the extra white space is displayed and a scrollbar is present. The same extra space is present when using visualize.js to embed these reports in an outside application.

We want to have the option to dynamically adjust the ad hoc report height to remove the extra space, which will allow for more information to be displayed from other resources/reports.

  • Guest
  • Sep 29 2023
  • To be Reviewed
Components JasperReports Server, Dashboards, ReportViewer, Visualize.js
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