Jasper Ideas

Email Subject Line on Scheduled Reports: Increase size from 100 to 200 characters

We auto-generate report scheduled requests for emailing.

To keep emails "unique" so Emails systems don't mark them as SPAM, we include emails specific information in the Subject.

Things like Project Code and Project Name

This often exceeds 100 characters (but not 200)

The database fields are limited to 100 characters (200 bytes in UTF-16) so we are forced to truncate.

As I don't see any formal Email restrictions preventing longer subject lines,

could the following tables be changed?

jireportjobalert and jireportjobmail (column SUBJECT) from NVARCHAR2(200) to NVARCHAR2(400)

  • Guest
  • May 15 2023
  • To be Reviewed
Components JasperReports Server, Scheduler
  • Attach files