Jasper Ideas

need a way to capture the name of files downloaded jaspersoft server along with the file size and time taken for download.

  • Prithviraj Kidiyoor
  • Feb 7 2023
  • Under consideration
Components JasperReports Server, UI/UX, Diagnostics
  • Attach files
  • Prithviraj Kidiyoor commented
    26 Sep, 2023 04:08am

    Dear Damayanti,

    Is there an ETA for this request and what are the other options available to expedite this enhancement as our client is looking for this option on a urgent basis.



  • Admin
    Damayanti Anand commented
    11 Sep, 2023 10:31am

    Thank you for your idea. We are going to consider it as a future enhancement.

  • Prithviraj Kidiyoor commented
    25 Aug, 2023 07:38am

    Awaiting for this enhancement.