Jasper Ideas

Dashlets in a Dashboard to be refreshed via hyperlinks for Studio created reports

Tibco case for details: 02135834

Currently, dashlets created out of Ad Hoc views would refresh when hyperlinks created in Dashboard editor on JRS. Ad Hoc views have a limitation of numbers of rows they can aggregate(200k) and increasing this would have performance impact.

To avoid this, I had to develop dashlets using Jasper Studio as reports and create a dashboard using couple of them. However, hyperlink option will not be available on JR server to link between these dashlets. Hence, refreshing within dashboard on click of one of the charts is not feasible. Please enhance this functionality for Studio created reports as well.

  • Guest
  • Oct 18 2022
  • To be Reviewed
Components JasperSoft Studio, JasperReports Server
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