Jasper Ideas

[Case - 02092692] Adhoc view crosstab with no measures shows no data when exported in 8.0

It is observed that 8.0 adhoc view, whenever we just add a column or a row without adding any measure in the crosstab, we can see the data in the adhoc view designer but the export of the adhoc view is empty. It seems like the adhoc view crosstab must have at least one measure to export it correctly.

In 7.5 JRS, the "Export" button is grayed out and unavailable if field only is added and no measure is added to crosstab, so the user could not export an empty excel by all means. However in 8.0, the "Export" button is always available no matter measure is added or not.

It seems like this behavior was implemented by design to support empty Ad Hoc Views (no visualization created) which can be used as templates.

Customers would like to export what is shown in the adhoc view designer or either not show data when a measure is not added in the adhoc view crosstab.

  • Anuja Vilas Bhujbal
  • Mar 30 2022
  • To be Reviewed
Components AdHoc
  • Attach files