Jasper Ideas

We need a possibility to customize styles via parameters or expressions

Because you wont have to apply 1000 styles

  • Guest
  • Oct 21 2021
  • To be Reviewed
Components JasperReports Library
  • Attach files
  • Johannes Held commented
    21 Feb, 2022 01:07pm


    you could use the markup styled and enclose your text with e.g. "<style color=\"" + $P{color_fg} + "\"> + $F{field_x} + "</style>" or you use the net.sf.jasperreports.style.* properties on your field.


    Best regards

  • Guest commented
    16 Dec, 2021 11:15am

    Unfortunately conditional styles are not the solution we are looking for.

    Imagine a conditional style, which can be turned on and off. This style should be responsible for coloring a textfield. This texfield should be able to have any color. This style should be used in mutliple reports.

    By using conditional styles we would have to create a condition for every possible color.

    In combination with a second property this would result in countless styles.

  • Johannes Held commented
    6 Dec, 2021 06:20pm
    You could use conditional styles or: there are properties on elements as e.g. text fields, which permit to override style attributes.