Jasper Ideas

Enhance mail settings to include timeout / retry option

Add a new option to the email settings so that a tme out and / or retry option is added to ensure e-mails get sent especially when using cloud hosted email providers.

  • Guest
  • Sep 27 2021
  • Under consideration
Components JasperReports Server
  • Attach files
  • Nagarajan M commented
    27 Sep, 2023 10:30am

    It should be better if you show the status of the email deliveries from TIBCO to SMTP server along with sent status

  • Admin
    Damayanti Anand commented
    6 Oct, 2021 09:53am

    Thanks for your idea! Can you please send us details of the issue to js-product-team@tibco.com ? How often do emails not get delivered? How do you trace if an email has been delivered or not today?