Jasper Ideas

Add Jaspersoft Studio Connection Capability to JasperReports Server with OAuth SSO

This would be useful for users to connect Jaspersoft Studio to JasperReports Server when SSO is enabled through OAuth. Currently, Jaspersoft Studio can only connect to JasperReports Server with SSO enabled through CAS. Adding OAuth would help greatly.

  • Guest
  • Sep 1 2021
  • Under consideration
Components JasperReports Server
  • Attach files
  • Adam Cline commented
    17 Oct 07:31pm

    @Damayanti Anand
    Is there documentation on how to set up an Oauth2 connection in JasperStudio 9?
    I'm using v9.0.0 Pro, and still only see CAS as an option.

  • Admin
    Damayanti Anand commented
    28 Feb 08:18am

    Please try this out in Jaspersoft 9.0 and let me know if it works for you.

  • Admin
    Damayanti Anand commented
    27 Sep, 2023 07:22am

    Thank you for this idea. We are considering adding OAuth 2 Support for JasperReports Server.