Jasper Ideas

Email Security for Jasper Scheduled Output Emails

We use the Email Security feature to sign and encrypt the emails using the client security key before sending. We found that this functionality is missing the jasper or Is any reference to accomplish that?

Can you please let me know by when we can implement changes to apply the Email Security feature to the Jasper emails also?

Please treat this as a P1 priority ticket as we feel it is a major miss in the product.

Changes to be done like below.

1. Turn ON/OFF feature for Email Security Feature
2. We need this option to be configured client wise key for the email security feature.
  • Nagarajan M
  • May 4 2021
  • To be Reviewed
Components JasperReports Server, JasperReports Library, Scheduler
  • Attach files
  • Grant Bacon commented
    2 Jun, 2021 08:09pm

    It may be more likely they want to implement S/MIME (which uses RSA under the hood) which could be configured on the email server level then in our appC-report-scheduler.xml as well. We do have a community page describing how to setup smtps (secure SMTP) for mail https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-configure-jasperreports-server-send-e-mails-gmail-mail-account

  • Grant Bacon commented
    1 Jun, 2021 09:24pm

    We need to know what type of security is required.

    Is it asymmetrical or symetrical encryption? Signing, by whom?

    We could use something like PGP which has stood the tests of time and generate RSA keys if asymmetrical then store users public keys as user attributes or something then encrypt outbound emails using that.

    If it's symmetrical then we could use AES or something similar and just use one password for the attachment. I'm not certain what type of "security" is being sought.