This is a feature enquiry regarding the ad hoc editor. Specifically - to extend the capabilities of the ad hoc editor to allow the building of metric dashlets. These are typically and simply, a title + numeric number expressed as a number or a percentage of some other whole. The guage style charts are probably a more graphical example of this type of dashlet display output.
As per customer:
Our clients primarily make use of the ad hoc editor, rather than using Jasper Reports Studio to build charts, tables and cross tabs. And it's not really an option at this stage to permit them to engage with the reporting server via studio (we just can't deal with the educational/support overhead).
Our ideas for a work around have included building a report which can be filtered to display the appropriate metrics. We then added several instances of the report to a dashboard and the filtering mechansim holds for the duration of the dashboard display - but on reloading the dashboard, the filter settings for the report are lost. Setting a report filter default in the report JRXML (the prescribed solution in the KB) does not work for this scenario.
I've also considered creating a Report Generator, but the documentation is a little light on in this space.
A lack of capacity to build these types of dashlets is somewhat are stark omission in contrast to other BI applications.
In summary they might desire to have 4th option in adhoc view editor apart from chart, table and chart - some kind of KPI or metric chart.
Components | AdHoc |