Jasper Ideas

User should be able to specify milliseconds when filter values for time/timestamp fields

- create adhoc view from Relative Dates Domain
- add time and timestamp fields to columns/rows
- change grouping for time field to millisecond
- change grouping for timestamp to millisecond by day
- create filters for time and timestamp fields and specify milliseconds

- in Ad Hoc Designer we can see validation error for time and timestamp filters when specify milliseconds:
- in Run Report we can see validation error for timestamp IC: For time IC validation is missing, but specified milliseconds are ignored
- expected result: user should be able to enter manually milliseconds when filter values for time/timestamp fields and data should be filtered accordingly. This should be implemented in Ad Hoc Designer and in Run Report

  • Guest
  • Mar 31 2021
  • To be Reviewed
Components AdHoc, ReportViewer
  • Attach files