Currently we are able to pass parameters between Dashboards within Chart dashlet hyperlink.
This is a customer requested feature for being able to pass parameters between dashboards by having user select the values from Input Control and the same value/s should pass through to the other dashboard.
This can be done through the use of textbox as TAB and in that Textbox--> Properties--->Hyperlink we are passing hyper link of the Dashboard
We have developed 3 Dashboard and all the 3 Dashboards uses the same parameters/Input controls and we are unable to pass the parameters from one Dashboard to another dashboard.
Components | Dashboards |
This should be already doable by tweaking the link in the mentioned "tab" textbox. Use this syntax for the query part of the URL:
$P{"filter_in_target=", dashlet_param, ? "&"}
Documented here:
Should work with or without the question mark in the 3rd parameter inside the curly brackets.