Jasper Ideas

Allow for period over period (year over year, month over month) calculations in (ad hoc) crosstabs

In retail analytics, it is very frequent to require comparisons between previous/current year, month and so on. There currently is no support for this kind of analysis in ad hoc. It could be done using OLAP, but as that may not be available indefinitely, replacing OLAP would absolutely require this kind of functionality.

  • Roland Wammers
  • Jun 30 2019
  • In development
Components AdHoc
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Damayanti Anand commented
    16 Jun, 2023 09:46am

    Thank you for this idea. We will consider taking it up.

  • Roland Wammers commented
    7 Jul, 2019 08:15am

    I guess that would be the cherry on the cake, but for now being able to do this (generically speaking) for column-over-column type use cases (regardless of how the columns are defined) would be enough already.

  • Tom Tortolani commented
    5 Jul, 2019 06:12pm

    I assume they need to do these off a specific fiscal calendar...